Welcome to Children's Charities Tennis Classic!
A Charity Tennis Tournament Running for over 40 years
Our 46th annual tournament will be held August 17th and 18th, 2024 at the Newington High School Tennis Courts. Please make note of the new location for this year's tournament.
This year we will have 18 different divisions, with the addition of a Senior Doubles (55+) division.
There will be A and B divisions. A divisions are meant for experienced/varsity players. B divisions are for recreational/jv players.
Singles (experienced)
Singles (recreational)
Doubles (M/W/Mixed)
Click here for the Registration Form
Please make ck or money order payable to: “Hospital For Special Care Foundation” and mail to:
Hubert Bis, CCTC 2024
431 Churchill Dr
Newington CT 06111
You can also e-mail your entry form to: hubbis94@gmail.com
Requested Entry Fee
$20 for singles and $40 per doubles team.
Deadline date for entry
Saturday August 10th.
Tournament Dates
Saturday August 17th, and Sunday afternoon August 18th.
Our Mission
A toothbrush, toothpaste, tissues, soap, shampoo etc. We use these items just about every day, and yet we hardly pay any attention to them – until they run out or need to be replaced.
This year, the 46th annual Children’s Charities Tennis Classic, to be held August 17th & 18th, will, once again, benefit the pediatrics unit of the Hospital for Special Care. The unit’s flooring has aged and needs replacement, and they have asked us if we could help with this project. Good flooring is a necessity, something that we probably take for granted in our own homes, until there is a need to replace it, so we are pleased that we can support the hospital in this needed area. New flooring will certainly make a difference in the unit – making it a brighter and better space for the wonderful staff and special young patients.
We have set a goal of raising $7,000 for this needed pediatric project.
I am so grateful to you – for you have been so supportive of our goals in the past. So now I ask you, once again, if you will partner with me to help bring this very special unit up to date.
I hope that you and your family have a wonderful rest of summer and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Don Lukowski
Founder and Chair
Any donation you make is greatly appreciated. If you make a donation of at least $100, your name/the name of your company will make it on the back of our tournament t-shirts. We need to hear from you by Monday, August 5 before the t-shirts are printed.
Click here for different sponsor levels
If you would like to make a donation towards our cause, please feel free to mail your check or money order made payable to "Hospital For Special Care Foundation" to
Hubert Bis, CCTC 2024
431 Churchill Dr
Newington CT 06111